There was no parking lot—just some dirt area along the shoulder of the road where one could park and a subtle metal bar gate at the curve of the road that was the entrance.
The beginning of the trail was no mesa, but just a trail through the shade. Trees on either side (I think some people warned of poison oak, but always wearing long pants and long sleeves, I never really worry about it). Checking my alltrails map, I chose one of the uphill dotted lines that would take us our of the low-elevation trail and up onto the mesa.
Once atop, it was all field. Not a tree dotted the skyline, and we still could only see field and sky for a good portion of our walkabout.
Certainly there are worse places to be, so I can’t complain. Tucker seems to enjoy the walkabouts along the shore, and so do I. Once I’m not working anymore, we can take a true unemployment break and start trekking the coastline every day if we wish.
**Watch the video. You'll learn that distance isn't as black and white as you may have believed.